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Hello everyone 😄,

I am chiming in to ask a question on User Management, as well.

In Lesson 2, there is a slide that showed the clues on how to profile and then subsequently determine the personality type of the customers. It seems to me that a fair bit of these clues show how you can determine the personality type if you meet them in real life (e.g. Feelers speak slowly and softly, Thinkers may stop mid-sentence). Is there any way you can determine the personality type when you are interacting with customers via online chat, like from the way they type or word choices?

Also, there seems to be a clash between some of these clues, such as Thinkers and Controller use facts and data, Feelers and Thinkers tend to ask questions, Entertainers and Controllers tend to use command instead of questions. Is there any way to determine the personality type of the customers when chatting with them via online chat, since there are some similarities between the clues?

Best regards,